Super Punto Banco

Min. bet: € 100 / Max. bet: € 5,000

The cards for Banco in your hands!
The player who places the highest bet on Banco then holds the cards for Banco. If two players place the same bet, the cards go to the first player sitting at the left hand of the Croupier. If a player does not wish to be handed the cards, these are offered to the player who has placed the second highest bet. If none of the players wishes to hold the shoe, it is the Croupier to draw.

When there are no bets on Punto or Banco, as the case may be, it is again the Croupier who draws.

The player who is in charge of the cards on Banco must observe the rules of card drawing in force in the Hit Casinos.

If there is a wager on both, Punto and Banco, the cards are first dealt to the player who wagers on Punto. The player who wagers on Banco is dealt his cards after the cards have been drawn for Punto. After the cards have been drawn for Punto, the player turns over the cards. If the player does not wish to turn over the cards, they must be folded on the position of the Croupier.